Farewell note

Well, that time of life has come again!
Time to pack our bags and make our way into the big bad world!
Good bye notes to be written, hugs and kisses and what not!
Enemies become friends. "...only a few days left, what's the point of holding grudges..."
By now, I have had 3 such goodbyes.
And, every single time I had felt the same. Thank God, hopefully next time will be a better one!
But, this time I know there can be no next time! I am finally too adult (it seems) to have any other such good byes.
This time, writing those colourful testimonials actually seem to be more difficult. Till now, writing "take care and always be you" seemed so easy, sometimes so mechanically sweet!
But, this time, it seems more real, this leaving. These good byes seem like they are meant forever.
But, that is not true! I know it is just like the last time. Some will walk along with me, while others will just be there for a random 'hi' and 'hello' online (or off) at random given hour.
But, then why does it ache so much to even think that soon I will be returning to this place as an outsider? Why does it make me feel a little sad to think I was nothing more than just a mere passerby?