2020 Chapter III Section IV — Arunima dey

2020 Chapter III Section IV

Blank Mind.

So, today I thought was going to be my most productive day this week. I had a PLAN. I was going to wake up, get my hair cut (because now it looks a lot like a tiny shaggy dog), go to my favourite cafe and get a lot of work done. (I work from home so these cafe work days are truly special for me) Simple right? Yes, very simple. I have done that before. It has always been a successful plan and it is an easy one to follow really.

But, nope nope nope.

I have been staring at this screen for the past hour. Well, technically I am typing this as well. But, yeah you get the picture.

Well, it wasn’t the day that started off bad, it was the night that did not end well.

I couldn’t sleep the whole night, too many thoughts swirling around, making a mess of everything. The one night I was sure I would get a good night’s sleep turned out to be a disaster. I had food at the right time, exercised the right amount, finished my to do list and was in bed on time. I was tired enough to go to sleep just at the right time. But, noooooooo….the brain had some other plans. I tried meditating, soft music, lavender tea etc etc etc. I even cursed my insomnia, fearing it might be back. Nothing.

Anyway, I did finally fall asleep and somehow managed to get enough rest for me to function as a normal human being. I woke up excited, HAIRCUT day!

I have been looking forward to this haircut for over a week (well a month). I hardly ever get haircuts (I chop off the excess when I get too annoyed, that’s a story for another day) and when I do, I like the whole pampering; from the pre-wash to the final blow dry and styling. I was going to go in looking like an average human person with a shaggy dog on her head and come out looking like an average human person. THE DREAM. .

[Sidenote: If you want a decent haircut in this city then you have to book someone days in advance, if not weeks. I do not remember haircuts being such a task before. If I thought I looked shaggy I would go to the local barber and they would butcher it the way they thought fit. We would both feel somewhat satisfied in life and move on. Currently the local ones also need an appointment; “sorry ma’am she is only available on Wednesday from 12pm till 12:45pm, will that work for you?” Umm,…no it will not work for me, but I guess it will have to right?]

Anyhu, I woke up to a cancellation call that broke my privileged heart. Okay, fine no haircut. Not to worry, I can still salvage this amazing day. To the cafe I go.

I was greeted with the usual warmth I have gotten used to, the usual smiling faces. Yes, this day is about to turn around. My usual seat (yes I come here often enough that I have a go-to table to sit at, I think soon I will build my tiny house on that spot) wasn’t available.

Nothing to worry, there is plenty of seating. I find a nice secluded place. Put my earphones on and start blasting Awkwafina’s “My vag”; a work mood setting song if there was any and I was ready for the long list of things I wanted to get done today.

5 minutes in, these 4 corporates boys choose the table beside me to sit. Yeah, okay this is a public space, I must share. I am sure this will be fine. um….no these not so gentle dudes are loud enough to get through my noise cancelling earphones. (Yes I am being a privileged little unhappy person, sue me. No, don’t actually, never mind. Let me just ramble and rant for a bit please.)

The cafe people are super nice, and one of them make sure my usual place is free and I move there. I have sitting here for the past hour, typing this long “I need to complain because I can” blog, having my fried chicken and keto cold coffee and just whiling the time away.

Not the day I planned. And, yes I am very annoyed it didn’t go accordingly but honestly as I am at the end of this meaningless rant, I feel like I did end up having a rather nice day.
