Well, hello there. I know it has been a while. A lot has happened since I blogged last.
Today is not about that, I just wanted to say a quick hello. I have been writing a lot more, I just don’t publish them here anymore. Maybe I should. I mean that is the whole point of having a blog.
Well, this year for me is about health and cautious optimism. None of the plans I was working towards have come to fruition so now I am more about living in the present. But, don’t worry I still haven’t become so spontaneous that I let go off everything. I am still planning for the future, and yes I have 11309284 back up plans set in motion too.
I will try and write more. And, yes I know I say that a lot and then disappear for months. Maybe this is the time! We will see!
Till the next time, hope everyone is having a better time!