
2017 Chapter I Section 5

The Day I did Nothing!

Maybe it is because of my non-stop periods for over 20 days or maybe it's the weather or maybe I am depressed or maybe, just maybe because I am plain lazy, but today I just did not feel like doing anything. 

[Note to self: I think it's becoming an everyday thing. Need to keep a check on it. *Insert thoughtful smiley*]

Anyway, the day started off in the laziest fashion possible. There was a nice breeze in the morning, and everything felt new and fresh. I felt like going on a picnic. But, I settled for a good breakfast. 

After reading and finishing my French lessons, I had planned to study, but my mind kept wondering off. I decided to spend some time chatting with my mother. She and I though had a rocky start (I mean my birth and us not being that close in my childhood) but now I consider her to be one of my closest friends and confidants. 

She was telling me about a Bengali film, Bomkyesh Bakshi and how it was quite good and I should watch it before it leaves the theaters. She had already seen it with my father, so I had to go alone. 

Going for the film alone, turned out to be a good decision. Not only did I enjoy some 'me' time, but it also gave a lot of time to observe others. 

I call myself an "artful voyeur" (Did you guess the reference? No, don't google please, come on). No, I do not take any perverse pleasure in looking at others, but I do love to observe people. Their movements and gestures and how they talk and interact with each other. 

I am not sure when I started doing that, but I love to sit in one place while the world does its thing around me. I like to be a "fly on the wall". 

With technology abound, this has become less of a practice nowadays. And, if I go out with others, I do pay more attention to the person with me, than the ones without. 

While I observe, I try not to pry into anyone's personal matters. It is of no interest to me, and no I do not sit and stare at people. I just like to imagine what lives they lead. I feel like there must be a story everywhere. 

Like, today after the film got over, I decided to sit at a coffee shop and catch up on my daily dose of Pokemon Go (I am at level 14 and feel quite stupidly happy about it). While waiting for Pokemon to show up, I noticed two young girls sitting at the opposite table to mine. 

They seemed to be in college, and they were having an intense conversation. One girl was talking quite animatedly and looked quite worked up about something, and the other one was timidly and quietly listening to everything that was being said. 

Now, I obviously do not know what they were talking about, but my mind immediately made up a story about them. 

Story: The timid girl has a cheating boyfriend, and she has finally caught him red handed. The angry girl is telling her to break up with him as he is not worth her time. He is a bad person and hurting her, and she needs to see that. The timid girl is obviously in love with him and cannot easily break up with him, and so she is feeling rather sad about the inevitable decision. The angry girl realises that and is trying to encourage her friend. 

[Note to self: I think this is too mainstream, Nah, that's not what had happened. Too Bollywoodish.]

Story 2: The timid girl has lied to her friend about something, and the angry girl has gotten to know about it. She is now angry and... (Sorry, Pokemon break)

Oh yaaayeee a Pinser, woah it has 789 CP, must catch it!!! 

Yes, caught it! Oh wait, where was I? By the time, I looked up; both the girls looked happy, and I didn't feel like going back to the sad backstory. 

I then got distracted for the next 5-7 minutes because my Lure Module had worked and there was quite a few Pokemon roaming around the coffee shop. Conveniently the Poke Stop was just a few steps away from the cafe. :D 

My mother had told me to get some 'churmur' while coming back. So, I advanced towards the 'Puchka' guy and placed my order. I waited impatiently looking for a new Pokemon while a girl and boy finished their rounds of 'puchkas'. They were talking about how lucky they are; they hit upon a Poke Stop with a Lure Module. 

No, I wasn't eavesdropping, they were just loud and close enough for me to overhear! -_-

I smirked to myself and thought, 'yeah, that's because of me, you can thank me later.' They seemed quite jubilant. I thought, 'ahhh must have caught some good ones'. 

I was about to go on another of my dream sequences when the 'Puchkawala' handed over my order. 

I decided to take the longer route home. I enjoyed walking in the garden/jogger's path in our housing complex. It was mildly cool weather, and the distant laughs of children playing mixed with the sweet smell of the winter flowers made me feel light and uplifted. I felt like a child again, full of wonder and excitement. 

[Note to self: I should start walking again.]

Though I didn't do a single thing I had planned to and ordinarily this would make me feel disappointed, yet today I end this day on a high note. I feel like my mind feels broader and oddly more focused. 

I feel like I can do anything I put my mind to! 


  • Exercise: Walked 4750 steps. 
  • Food:
    • Breakfast: Boiled egg 
    • Lunch: Quinoa, Mixed vegetable, Dal 
    • Snack: Popcorn ( a little bit at the movies, I mostly got it back for Ma), coffee, Cheese toastie. (one bread)
    • Dinner: Salad
  • Study: 30 mins of French 
  • Read: None
  • Feeling: Quite Happy and pleasant