2020 Chapter I Section 1

Happy New Year

A new day, a new month, a new year and a new decade. Now, that’s a lot of ‘new’s. Am I new?

Well, aren’t we all a little newer every single passing moment? Who I was a moment ago isn’t me anymore. Too philosophical? Yeah, I think so too.

Anyway, I have no new resolutions. I do not think you need a specific day or date or time to start something. I used to think so. I used to wait for that magical day when the clock “will strike 12 and suddenly a new me will be born”. That never happened, so now I believe the magic is within us, we can turn a in to a “new me” whenever we want to.

In 2019, I started a slow but steady journey towards getting fit and I am continuing that journey. It doesn’t end with me losing “a bunch of weight”. This is a continuous journey and I have to keep at it.

I have a few personal projects I want to work on in 2020. I hope to make those happen and not give up as I do with many things.

I do not have any specific wish for 2020. I am happy to be alive and well for another day.