me time

2020 Chapter I Section 4

Spend some time with yourself.

I love to do this. I think I have always been someone who liked spending time indoors, reading or listening to music or be in my own little world. I used to think I was a ‘loner’, but now I feel like I just like to spend time with myself.

I wouldn’t say I am the most fascinating person on earth, but I am, to me.

I know a lot of people find it hard to go for a meal or a movie alone. Some find it plain weird. I know many who complain that people at restaurants stare and sometimes even ridicule them because they are eating there alone. I believe them. I have been on the receiving end of all of that. But, to be honest it doesn’t affect me much. It never has.

In the current world, we are almost always so connected. Social media has made it so easy for us to stay connected. Even, when you are alone, you are not. I mean unless you switch everything off.

So this brings me to today, my parents suddenly decided to go to a movie in the evening. They do that a lot. I am a little more particular about what I like to watch and spend my money on so I decided to skip it. But, I also did not feel like staying at home. (I mean it’s a Saturday, one must go out on a Saturday, right?) I asked around to see if anyone was available. None were.

Well, then it’s a date. With me!

As usual, the first thing I love to do is shop for groceries. Yes, I love to go grocery shopping. Be it at malls or the farmers’ markets. I like to make a list, read the labels and look at the ingredients. I like to see which fruits and vegetables “call to me” and I love to roam around the aisles. I usually enjoy walking around with my earphones plugged in. Today I was listening to a book, “The early cases of Hercule Poirot” by Agatha Christie. It is a collection of short stories and it was simply perfect for the occasion.

Once, I was satisfied with everything I got, I decided it was time to walk around the mall. I love to walk. But thanks to my recent aggravated allergies I can hardly step outside without coughing myself to near death. So, now I love walking for hours inside enclosed malls. (And it doesn’t involve window shopping, sometimes I do not even notice what shops are there) This one is pretty big and luckily it wasn’t crowded that day.

Of course, no date is complete without a meal. I decided to splurge a little. My date is special after all. I noticed a new restaurant had opened up, Indigo Delicatessen. I remembered the name from when I was in Mumbai and remembered having an amazing meal there, so I decided to indulge.

Well, 45 minutes and a plate of lamb chop and sautéd pork later, I felt satisfied. My wallet felt the pinch, hard, very hard but I was happy.

The whole day turned out to be so good. I felt rejuvenated.

I believe in one thing, if you can be comfortable being with yourself, you can be comfortable anywhere. I have learned one thing over the years when I choose to be around others, it is a choice. I don’t need anyone but I want them.

I do not know if this sounds like a psychotic rant of a self-centered human or someone who truly enjoys their own company as much as she does of others. Either way, I am happy!

How about you? Do you like to spend time with yourself? Do you talk to yourself? Do you find it hard to go out for a meal or a movie without someone accompanying you?

2017 Chapter I Section 11

Time Passing By

I sometimes think my body doesn't realise I am only 28. The way it aches and pains, I feel like I am around 60, if not 70. I kid you not. I have recently started walking regularly, okay semi-regularly (hey, at least I did). I usually walk quite briskly. My aim is to make this a regular habit.

Instead of feeling refreshed after my walks, I am left holding my back as it makes me feel like 'this is the end of the world'. More than once, have I felt, 'this is it, this is how I die' while I am in the middle of a jogging track. I do not know if my ongoing periods or the fact I have Fibromyalgia can be factors in this, but I promise you the pain is not your household pain ache. Today's was quite bearable actually. 

Also, my mind has been playing tricks on me. I pride in having a good memory. I can remember things from my childhood as if they are happening right now. I have always been quite lazy when it came to studying and waited until the last minute to study. But, I always scored above average. And, the main reason being, if I read anything once, I could remember it for a while without having to read it again. Now, of course, I do not expect to still have the same capability (what with aging and becoming stupider). But, now I seem to forget so quickly. I can still remember events and conversations well, but thoughts get lost. The reason I bring this up is that I wanted to write about confidence and loving oneself yesterday. But for the love of food (food is my God), I cannot remember the points I wanted to talk about. 

I was talking to my sister today about how time is passing by us. I think with technology taking over lives; now years go faster. I truly believe when we lived in the analogue world; things took time and we got to enjoy them more. Now, everything there at the press of a button. Trust me I am not complaining. I appreciate the fact that due this evolution of the tech world, I can skip going to an office and just work from home. But, I feel that is making us more reclusive. 

Now, what does that have to do with passing time, you ask? 

I realised there are days when I do not talk to anybody. At all. And, all I have done is watch back to back Netflix shows or YouTube videos. But, then I realise days have passed since I have interacted with fellow humans or even gone out of my room. 

If this had happened when I was younger, I would have seriously questioned my sanity (not that I don't now, but less). I feel like because we are exposed so much more than we used to, time seems like it has shrunk further. Now, one has to do so much more than the predecessors to feel the same amount of happiness or satisfaction. 

Now, this is my opinion, and I can be completely wrong. 

But, don't you think time is moving faster? I feel like it was only yesterday that I celebrated the start of a new year: 2016. My brain sometimes is having a hard time to believe it is already 11th of January. We are already almost halfway through the first month of the new year! 

Sometimes, I wish I had more time, more time to enjoy the time we have now. Does it make sense? It makes sense to me, so... 

I am one of those people who love to enjoy the present. I do not like living in the future much. I used to, and I have been burned so many times that I have learnt to enjoy what is, and not what will be. 

I sometimes feel the present is fleeting too fast. My sister thinks I think of time passing by a little more than I should. According to her, it is because I have a fear of running out of time or even growing old. That is not that true, though. And, I will talk about that in a future post (yes, I noted it down, and now I will remember to do so). 

I do not know how to explain this. It is more like; I feel there are too many distractions nowadays, to truly enjoy a moment. One thing I do hate is that while having conversations, people constantly glance at their phones. I mean come on, for love of all things good on earth, it won't kill you to not to look at the phone for a few minutes. Or, Facebook! Oh my god, I have friends who whip out their phones to check Facebook every two minutes. I mean seriously, I promise you, there will not be any breaking news that you will miss if you do not check on Facebook for 20 minutes. The cat videos will still be there and so will the umpteenth status from your ex-lover whom you stalk!!! 

But, anyway, point is I feel I want to take more time to enjoy fewer things. But you know truly enjoy them before time actually runs out on me.


  • Exercise: 3001 steps. 
  • Food:
    • Breakfast: None, I couldn't wake up. 
    • Lunch: Quinoa, dal, vegetables, fish
    • Snack: Super Drink, Samosa
    • Dinner: Couscous Khichri
  • Study: Stanford, finished a module. 
  • Read: Started Mindware
  • Feeling: Happy