Doctors Galore
I am trying to take long breaths to calm myself and let myself feel the sense of relief I am feeling after weeks. Since the new year started, I have had a doctor’s appointment almost every single week. Sometimes it was the general doctor, sometimes the dentist, and of course, let us not forget the gynecologist.
Well, I am tired; physically, mentally, and emotionally. Sadly I am not fully done yet, but at least the pace is slowing down now, with two doctor’s visits a month. I am not counting the physiotherapist.
I am not going into what and why I had to visit all of these doctors; I just want to share the relief I feel; now that most of the urgent appointments are done.
2023 is the year I am putting all my love and effort behind my health. I have done that before, but not with the determination I feel this year. I always remind myself, though it feels tough now, in the future, I will thank myself for putting in all the effort. So…let’s gooooo!