Daily 2017

2017 Chapter III Section 1

Packing & More

It's been a while since I have written a proper blog. I was not well for a long while. It seems I had severe chest congestion. 

After many antibiotics, gargling and other medicines, I am feeling much better. 

Due to the medicines, I was a little woozy for the past few days and so avoided writing anything. 

Today I spent most of the day packing. I will be leaving next Wednesday for a year to study abroad. 

I am superbly tired, and so I think my excitement has been a little low. But, I am looking forward to being a student again. 

I will be back with a proper blog with my thoughts and emotions. But, for today, that's all! 



  • Exercise: Weight Training, Packing
  • Food:
    • Breakfast: None
    • Lunch: Murighonto, Rice, Maacher Bora
    • Snack: Pre-Run drink, Lactose-Free Milk, Double Egg Roll
    • Dinner: Murighonto, Rice
  • Study: None
  • Read: None
  • Feeling: Packing, packing, packing

2017 Chapter II Section 23


Remember the event I kept talking about for the last few weeks now? Yes, it finally happened! 

And, I am so happy. The results are joyous! :)

I will talk about it more in better detail in upcoming blogs. 

But for now, I am going to enjoy the moment and relax! 

Health update: Throat still hurts a lot and I have been coughing like crazy! 



  • Exercise: Weight Training
  • Food:
    • Breakfast: Lactose-free Milk, chocos
    • Lunch: Buffet at Marriot (to celebrate today)
    • Snack: Jalapeno poppers, Iced Tea
    • Dinner: Wai wai cup noodles, corn chips 
  • Study: None
  • Read: None
  • Feeling: Feverish yet happy! :)

2017 Chapter II Section 22

Feverish & Worried

I still have a fever, chest congestion, and my throat is hurting a lot. 

I am continuously coughing, and I am feeling slightly nauseated. 

No, it is not related to the fever or the cough. 

I am worried about tomorrow. As I had mentioned in my earlier blogs, tomorrow is an important day for me. 

My life will be shaped according to how tomorrow goes, and that is making me anxious. 

I almost forgot to write today's blog because I am so tensed. I am currently trying quite hard to fall asleep. But, all is in vain.

I feel like sitting somewhere and just crying. I do not know why. But, I feel like curling up like a baby and just crying.  

I do not know what to do! 

I think, for now, I will try to listen to some music and try to go to sleep. 

I wanted to write more about my anxious nature, but I think that is best kept for another day. 

Wish me luck! (I know you have no clue why just wish me luck please, okay?) 



  • Exercise: Weight Training
  • Food:
    • Breakfast: None
    • Lunch: Quinoa, Dal, Fish, Veggies
    • Snack: Chia, Flaxseed, Lactose-Free Milk, Guava 
    • Dinner: Rice, Boiled Potatoes, Boiled Egg 
  • Study: None
  • Read: None
  • Feeling: Nervous and feverish

2017 Chapter II Section 20

Fever Day 2 

Day 2 of doing nothing. I went to the doctor. I have chest congestion, mild fever, and swollen tonsils. I have been given a bunch of medicines and blood tests I need to get done. 

These medications are making me super sleepy, so I am off to sleep! 

Hopefully, I bounce back tomorrow! 



  • Exercise: None (I have a fever!)
  • Food:
    • Breakfast: None
    • Lunch: Rice, Tadka, Loki Sabji
    • Snack: Chia, Flaxseed, Lassi, Cocoa, Narkeli Kul, Watermelon, Couscous Kichdi with eggs
    • Dinner: Quinoa, Tadka, Loki Sabji
  • Study: None
  • Read: None
  • Feeling: Bleh 

2017 Chapter II Section 19

Fever Again

I hardly got any sleep yesterday and today woke up with a headache.

I have a fever now and my entire body hurts! 

I am going to the doctor tomorrow to see what is up with my body. Why do I keep falling sick?

For now, I am off to sleep again! 



  • Exercise: None (I have a fever!)
  • Food:
    • Breakfast: None
    • Lunch: Rice, Dal, Lettuce curry, Palak Chicken 
    • Snack: Chia, Flaxseed, Lassi, Cocoa
    • Dinner: Rice, Tadka, Palak Chicken  
  • Study: None
  • Read: None
  • Feeling: Irritated  

2017 Chapter II Section 18

Caught in Between

My brain is playing tricks on me. 

I sometimes want the time to slow down so I can catch up. 

I have tasks undone and I need time.

But, then again, I need Time to speed up. 

I am waiting for news which are tied to my hopes and dreams. 

I have been patient for too long. 

I need this wait to be over. 

I do not know what it is, that I want. 

Will time slow down or speed up? 

Or, will it just go on as it always does?


  • Exercise: None (I have a fever!)
  • Food:
    • Breakfast: None
    • Lunch: Fried Rice, Aloo Poshto, Prawn
    • Snack: Chia, Flaxseed, Pomegranate, 25 g bag of popcorn, Orange, Leftover noodles (very little)
    • Dinner: Quinoa, Aloo Curry, Lettuce curry.  
  • Study: None
  • Read: None
  • Feeling: Caught in between 

2017 Chapter II Section 17


I have been a good girl this week. I did eat a few outside food, but I made sure the amount wasn't a lot. Since I was out of home quite a bit this week; I had to eat outside!  

The week did not start off so well as I suffered from a severe stomach upset the first two days. But, the rest of the week was quite uneventful. 

Today was the start of something important in my life, which will culminate on 23rd. I am hopeful it will be all positive. Let's see! 

Today was rather exciting. 

I met my school friend after almost 12 years! She was my first friend. 

We had fallen out of touch for a while but recently reconnected. It was great to see her after so long. She looks so different from the last time I saw her, but she talks and smiles the same way! It made me miss the good ole' days! :) 

Since the year has started, old friends of mine have been getting in touch with me one way or the other. It feels a bit surreal!

More on that later, I am way too sleepy to function right now! 



DATE: 17/02/2017

Weight: 85.5 Kgs
Body Fat: 50%
BMI: Obese Class 2
Lean Mass: 42.75 Kgs

Neck: 14.60 Inches
Shoulders: 47.1 Inches
Chest: 44 Inches
Waist: 44 Inches
Hips: 46 Inches
Bicep L: 13.70 Inches
Forearm L: 9.80 Inches
Bicep R: 12.50 Inches
Forearm: 10.01 Inches
Thigh L: 28 Inches
Calf L: 15.20 Inches
Thigh R: 27.6 Inches
Calf R: 14.90 Inches


  • Exercise: Weight Training, 4200 steps
  • Food:
    • Breakfast: None
    • Lunch: Quinoa, Dal, Aloo Poshto
    • Snack: Chia, Flaxseed, Half a Chicken Sandwich 
    • Dinner: Dimsum, Noodles, Rice, Hunan Chicken (MainLand China), I had a little bit of everything
  • Study: None
  • Read: The Confidence Man
  • Feeling: Optimistic