
2018 Chapter I Section 15

Scared but Thankful! 

Yesterday was scary. I mean not the whole day, just how it ended. 

I finally got some sleep and woke up at noon, thinking, 'Today is the day'. Nope, I was wrong. 

I did my meal plans, cleaned the house and was in general excited about my sister coming back home. But, once evening rolled in, my neck started hurting a lot. It was hurting before but by now I am so used to pain, I ignore it, most of the time.

I have had years of pain. So, I had been diagnosed with Fibromyalgia when I was 18. I had gone to the right doctors or at least the ones I was told to. Recently after coming to Irvine, I have been going to a chiropractor for Subluxation and my pain, in general, seemed to have been under control, most of the time. 

But, sometimes I have days or nights when I can hardly move or even breathe. 

I have been under a lot of self-made stress recently and my anxiety levels have been very high. I haven't been exercising at all. And, I have a feeling all of this helped in my pain reaching a different level.

Now, I have a history of having these attacks which feel like my body spasms uncontrollably and they are very painful. I sometimes feel like my body mimics epileptic attacks. I have been to multiple neurologists, physiotherapists, chiropractors etc etc etc. My family has spent a fortune on me so we could understand what is wrong with my body. 

I have even been to a psychologist because I was told maybe my pain is psychosomatic. I have pretty much done everything possible in India. I even visited a pain clinic where I got these shots on my spinal cord which was the most painful experience in my life. But, we will keep that happy story for another day.

Currently, thanks to my chiropractor I have less pain and can go around living a normal life. Most people I meet feel I have pain because of my excess weight. But, I think most people do not understand how difficult it is for me to do anything because of the pain. 

Anyway, I digress. 

So, yes, about yesterday night. I could feel my neck swelling up and my head started hurting a lot. I immediately thought maybe it is because I hadn't eaten anything the whole day. But, then I remembered, I had my MCT oil drink which is quite heavy, a huge bowl of salad and 5 of my awesome meatballs (they are pretty big). So, it wasn't like I was completely on an empty stomach. 

It was around 7 pm. I called my friend, who lives nearby, to ask if she wanted to have pizza and we drove down to a pizza place close by to pick up our order. I was in a lot of pain by then and now that I think back, I should have come back home and rested. 

But, by then my sister had landed at the airport and my friend very generously offered to pick her up. The whole ride to and fro must have been only 45 mins. I was not even driving. But, by the end of it, I could feel my entire upper body getting horrible spasms. 

I hate making a fuss about me and especially when it comes to an invisible pain. I think I have had enough people tell me that I make this up for mere attention so I think now I do not talk about it much. 

Well, I should have. By the time, we reached home, I could hardly move. My lips had become numb. Now, that I am writing about it and remembering everything, I can feel the pain and the spasms again. I could hardly breathe. I had told myself if in an hour I do not feel better, it's time to call the ambulance or to rush to the emergency. 

The sad thing is, this is not the first time this has happened. Since I have come to Irvine in March 2017, I have had 4/5 of these attacks. I have already been to a doctor who honestly just didn't believe me and told me maybe I am reading things wrong. I felt quite defeated. I feel defeated. I do not know why this keeps happening. I am sick of going to hospitals. 

I wish I didn't always have to live in pain or fear or spasms. 

Yesterday was a very bad day but I am thankful that my sister was there. She had just come back home from a 10-day long work trip and instead of me making her feel at home, she was making sure, I was feeling fine. 

Thanks to my family and a few loving and understanding friends I have made it through all of these attacks and painful moments, but I am scared these are just going to get worse. 

I wish I had answers to what happens to me. I cannot describe to others, the constant pain that my body feels. I am generally a lazy person but a lot of the things that I really want to do, but I cannot is because of my constant pain. I know there are so many people out there who go through similar experiences or worse ones. I wish we could all be in a little bit less pain. 

I have appointments to meet new doctors including a neurologist to figure out why my body loves to give me so much pain. 

Maybe, one day when I am less in pain (or less lazy, I feel a lot of my recent 'laziness' has stemed out of the pain I feel while doing certain tasks), I will write about how this pain has changed me or how it affects me. Maybe someone will finally have some answers for me. 

Till, then I am scared of the pain and spasms but really thankful I have people to take care of me. 


2017 Chapter VII Section 26

Of What Was and What Could Have Been!

[Technically It's the 26th, but I have something else planned for that day, so here goes, enjoy, my invisible blog reader!] 

Of course the minute I decided I need to go back to being regular with my blog and life, my health hit me hard. There was nothing new in the thing that happened, the same old pain in the back, couldn't move, pain in the body, prolonged periods, you know the drill by now. I became an emotional mess thinking there is no escaping this loop. This is a part of my life now and the best thing to do is accept it and move on. 

Thanks to my back pain I was barely mobile for a week, then it took another to bounce back completely. And in the mean time, my never ending periods gave me company. And, before you say anything, I am going to all the right doctors and doing everything money allows you to do. These are small annoying health issues which honestly seems to have no permanent solutions. But, one must go on. 

Last week another thing happened which made me breakdown. Chester Bennington from Linkin Park passed away. I have never met him but his voice, his music has been a huge part of my life. My childhood was riddled with bullying and I used to go through bouts of depression. I do not think my family realized to what extent. For me listening to Linkin Park's music was an escape from reality into the world I wanted to build around me. The words from their songs resonated with me. I know this is the truth for many on earth but for me, it felt special. I didn't realize how much I was affected by the sad news, till I sat down and had a small breakdown. I think this news coupled with my already broken health had built up into an emotional ball of pure tears. Chester, your voice will always remain a guardian angel to me. 

It's 3:42 am and I cannot stop my brain from thinking. I am thinking of my past, the people I have left behind, memories of a time that is gone; the good, the bad, the ugly. I feel so weak yet strong at the same time. I do not know if I am making any sense but I wrote something to clear the thoughts from my brain. I will post that tomorrow. For now, I will try to go to sleep. I have an extremely long day tomorrow. 



  • Exercise: HIIT (Soco) (Finally after two weeks)
  • Food: 
    • Pre-Workout: None
    • Post-Workout: None
    • Lunch: In N Out!  
    • Snack: Peanut butter and Jam sandwich  
    • Dinner: Pasta  
  • Study: UCI.
  • Read: Zero to One
  • Feeling: Too many thoughts. 

2017 Chapter II Section 11

Psychic Dreams and Weight Training

Today was quite an uneventful day, and I do not feel like writing much. 

I slept and had the weirdest of dreams. I sometimes feel I see glimpses of the future. 

No, I am not going insane, or I do not really think I am a psychic. It's just since I was a child, I have had very weird dreams. And, sometimes some elements of them have come true. 

Some of the events have been exactly like what I would dream. Honestly, I do not pay much heed to such things. It's just lately my sleep pattern has been quite bad, and I have been having some strange dreams. Some of them seem so real with details which remind of the dreams I used to have and those of which have come true. 

I remember most of my dreams, so maybe one day I will share one of them here. 

Anyway, psychic or not, for now, I will just ignore these and move on. 

Today exercise wise, it was a good day. I love these new back exercises I am doing for my Fibro, and they are honestly keeping the pain to the minimum. 

I have been a good girl too as far as food is concerned and it has been quite a vegan day (except the little dahi I used for the lassi!) 

So, on that happy note, Tata! 



  • Exercise: Weight Training, 4000 Steps
  • Food:
    • Breakfast: None
    • Lunch: Quinoa, Dal, Mixed Veggie
    • Snack: Narkeli Kul, Jamrul, Apple, Lassi with Almond, Chia, Flaxseed; Muri, Chola, Boiled Potato
    • Dinner: Quinoa, Dal 
  • Study: None
  • Read: None
  • Feeling: Happy, Pain is less today

2017 Chapter I Section 25

I Am Alive

(I am not sure what I just wrote, but anyway here it is. I am still so woozy in the head that I keep forgetting things. Wow, I was really badly affected by this fever, didn't realise it before!) 

These past five days have been quite bad for me. I had a fever on and off, runny nose (they are flaking right now because I had to wipe it so many times), body aching everywhere and to top it all off, periods. 

And, not just regular periods, my stomach felt like it was going to fall off my body. Sometimes it was paining so much; I would unconsciously start crying. 

Well, on Thursday I did feel a bit warm, but I didn't think it was anything serious. 

On Friday, my periods started, and I thought maybe I am warm and sniffling as a side effect of the periods. 

But, on Saturday I could feel the world spinning around me. 

I do not remember anything from Sunday. I was completely out of it. 
I kept sleeping and in between got up to eat and have medicines. 

Unfortunately, my parents had to go for a wedding so there was no one at home and so I had to keep doing things. But, I do not remember doing any of it. 

Monday was pretty much the same. My head felt heavy, and my body felt like rubber. 

Yesterday was a little better. But, my head was constantly in pain. Still, it was better than the earlier days. 

Today, I still have a runny nose, and I feel super weak. 

I have lost around 2.7 kgs in the last five days, and I feel so weak. 

My brain feels very fuzzy, and if I try to study or read, it hurts! 
(maybe I am getting stupider!!!)

Anyway, on that note, I am off to a short nap. 



  • Exercise: None. 
  • Food:
    • Breakfast: None
    • Lunch: Rice, Dal, veggies
    • Snack: Fruits, tea, couscous khichuri
    • Dinner: Egg roll
  • Study: None
  • Read: None
  • Feeling: Still feverish and in a lot of pain

2017 Chapter I Section 19

Pain: A Constant Friend

Today started off in the best way possible. I went for my morning walk, caught two rare Pokemon (Yes, that's important for me, go ahead judge if you wish to!!! :P), finished my French lesson, basically the morning routine was on point. 

Then, suddenly my back started aching a little. I decided to lie down for a bit, and I woke up after 4 hours with pain all over and fever. I could hardly move my right hand. Typing right now is bearable as I am lying down on my stomach on my bed. 

My fibro acts up sometimes, especially in cooler weather. But, today was a dreadful day. I think I was up for an hour or two in the afternoon, after which I passed out again. 

It's 22:26 IST right now and the last hour and half hours have been extremely painful. Every time I am breathing my right shoulder is paining, and there is a sharp pain in my right ear and also the right hand, and arm feels so weird. 

Sadly, this has happened to me more often than you would think. Hopefully, a good night's sleep should fix this. I hate taking painkillers. I have noticed weight training keeps the pain at a minimum, so I forced myself to do my 20-minute routine but no improvement yet. 

I will just call it a day and sleep. I am trying to keep my body warm and hoping the pain goes down. I hate days like these. 

Anyway, on that note, Tata! 


  • Exercise: 6015 Steps.
  • Food:
    • Breakfast: Rice, Veggies, Dal
    • Lunch: Egg Mughlai Paratha 
    • Snack: Fruits
    • Dinner: Couscous Khichuri
  • Study: None
  • Read: None
  • Feeling: Pain, Pain, and more pain

2017 Chapter I Section 10

Red Day Continues

21:13 IST, I had many thoughts running through my head today, and I really wanted to pen them down. But, currently, I feel like someone has punched me repeatedly in the stomach. I also feel like a child who is being forced to wear an extremely wet diaper. I mean a very very very very very very very wet diaper!

And, the weather in Kolkata is not helping. I mean our usually warm city suddenly feels much cooler than I am used to. It is currently 14 degree Centigrade and my room has a mysterious draft inside. 

[Sidenote: Wait, is that because of the weather or due to the presence of a spirit? I wouldn't be surprised if there are a few spirits present in my room. Maybe more on that on some other day.]

Anyway, partly due to the medications I now have to take to stop my periods and partly due to sleep depravity (thanks to an idiotic friend who needed to talk at 3 in the morning which was mostly us fighting about inane things, I am also an idiot to have encouraged the fight) I am in no mental state to write today! I had planned to write some inspirational stuff like 'believing in oneself', but right now I am having a hard time believing my body so maybe not the best of days! 

Anyhu, I now lay on my bed, waiting to post the blog so I can use my hands to clutch my stomach and then make a weak, sad moaning sound, expressing how much pain I am in. 

On that note, Good Night! 


  • Exercise: 4150 steps. 
  • Food:
    • Breakfast: None, I couldn't wake up. 
    • Lunch: Rice, dal, vegetables, fish
    • Snack: Super Drink, Chola salad
    • Dinner: Quinoa, Chicken Keema, Egg
  • Study: Stanford, finished a module. 
  • Read: None
  • Feeling: Emotionally Fine, but physically exhausted.