Daily 2017

2017 Chapter I Section 27


This week has been quite bad. I haven't followed any proper diet or exercise regime. I think at one point I couldn't even eat properly. I have had nightmarish sleep almost every day due to blocked nose and body aches. I actually do not remember most of what happened this week. 

I had a fever, bad cough and cold, heavy periods and now swollen tonsils. And, all of these together really did a number on me! I haven't been this ill for a while. 

I am much better now but extremely weak and have lost my appetite (which is a big deal for me, I live to eat!). I am eating so that I do not become any weaker. 

I honestly don't have any real numbers for today. But, since today is weigh-in day, I thought might as well do it. 

I am going to take rest for the next few days and make sure am back to normal health. I actually am missing my daily walks and interval training sessions. 

Anyway, hoping to recover soon.


[Note: Due to my swollen tonsils my neck measurements will be a lot more than what it should have been.]


Date: 27/01/2017

Weight: 86.9 Kgs
Body Fat: 50%
BMI: Obese Class 2
Lean Mass: 42.63 Kgs

Neck: 15.3 Inches
Shoulders: 45.7 Inches
Chest: 43.2 Inches
Waist: 43.7 Inches
Hips: 46.2 Inches
Bicep L: 13.20 Inches
Forearm L: 9.70 Inches
Bicep R: 12.60 Inches
Forearm: 9.80 Inches
Thigh L: 27.90 Inches
Calf L: 15.40 Inches
Thigh R: 27.40 Inches
Calf R: 14.90 Inches


  • Exercise: None
  • Food:
    • Breakfast: None
    • Lunch: Rice, Dal, cabbage
    • Snack: Biriyani (because that was all that was there and it tasted horrible to me)
    • Dinner: Soup
  • Study: None
  • Read: None
  • Feeling: Tired and so weak! :(

2017 Chapter I Section 26

Still Unwell: A Poem

My head is spinning
Like a little top.
I have been waiting for a while, 
For my ears to pop.

Nose is blocked, 
Yet, leaking freely.
I am getting better, 
But, oh so slowly! 

Tonsils are swollen, 
And, I have a mild fever, 
It's not even that cold, 
Yet, I have a shiver. 

Oh, Goddess of Health, 
Please make me better,
Sooner would be preferred,
Over sometime later! 


  • Exercise: None. I tried to walk around and almost fainted.
  • Food:
    • Breakfast: Egg, Oats pancake
    • Lunch: Rice, Dal, veggies
    • Snack: Fruits, tea, boiled egg, French fries
    • Dinner: Mixed fried rice (extra chilies to get the blocked nose running)
  • Study: None
  • Read: None
  • Feeling: Still feverish and in a lot of pain, tonsils are swollen up

2017 Chapter I Section 25

I Am Alive

(I am not sure what I just wrote, but anyway here it is. I am still so woozy in the head that I keep forgetting things. Wow, I was really badly affected by this fever, didn't realise it before!) 

These past five days have been quite bad for me. I had a fever on and off, runny nose (they are flaking right now because I had to wipe it so many times), body aching everywhere and to top it all off, periods. 

And, not just regular periods, my stomach felt like it was going to fall off my body. Sometimes it was paining so much; I would unconsciously start crying. 

Well, on Thursday I did feel a bit warm, but I didn't think it was anything serious. 

On Friday, my periods started, and I thought maybe I am warm and sniffling as a side effect of the periods. 

But, on Saturday I could feel the world spinning around me. 

I do not remember anything from Sunday. I was completely out of it. 
I kept sleeping and in between got up to eat and have medicines. 

Unfortunately, my parents had to go for a wedding so there was no one at home and so I had to keep doing things. But, I do not remember doing any of it. 

Monday was pretty much the same. My head felt heavy, and my body felt like rubber. 

Yesterday was a little better. But, my head was constantly in pain. Still, it was better than the earlier days. 

Today, I still have a runny nose, and I feel super weak. 

I have lost around 2.7 kgs in the last five days, and I feel so weak. 

My brain feels very fuzzy, and if I try to study or read, it hurts! 
(maybe I am getting stupider!!!)

Anyway, on that note, I am off to a short nap. 



  • Exercise: None. 
  • Food:
    • Breakfast: None
    • Lunch: Rice, Dal, veggies
    • Snack: Fruits, tea, couscous khichuri
    • Dinner: Egg roll
  • Study: None
  • Read: None
  • Feeling: Still feverish and in a lot of pain

2017 Chapter I Section 24

Better Yet Not There

A bit better today, but still too weak to think or do anything. 

I mostly slept. I couldn't do anything else. 

Fever has gone down, but body aches a lot. 

Funnily, I kept thinking of so many funny things to write but now am too poofed to write anything. 

Looking to tomorrow to continue writing. 




  • Exercise: None. 
  • Food:
    • Breakfast: None
    • Lunch: Rice, Dal, veggies, fish
    • Snack: Rice Spaghetti in Alfredo sauce (Homemade)
    • Dinner: Clear Soup
  • Study: None
  • Read: None
  • Feeling: My head is splitting open, and body aches so much. And, so much phlegm and so much periods! -_-

2017 Chapter I Section 21

Cold Meets Periods

Blocked Nose, 
Itchy Throat,
Stomach Aching, 
Body Mushy, 
Bloody, Messy.
Oh, wait...
A big sneeze, 
Can you stop this, please? 


Exercise: Haven't checked. Was bedridden with a cold, fever and extremely heavy flow: the perfect trio you see! 
Breakfast: None
Lunch: Rice, Dal, veggies
Snack: Mughlai Paratha
Dinner: Clear Soup
Study: None
Read: None
Feeling: Red-nosed, bloodied body, and blank.

2017 Chapter I Section 20


This week I have been a little better with my exercise. I tried to make sure I walked at least 4000 steps a day and put in 20 minutes of some other form of exercises like weight lifting or interval training. I even finished 10,000 steps on one of these days.

Food wise, it was not a good week. Neither has it been a good week of sleep. I am still having trouble with my sleep pattern, and it seems I get around 2.45 hours of sleep on average. This has been a lot less than what I should get or try to.  

I have noticed a direct link between my lack of sleep and overeating or eating the wrong things. So, I have to fix one thing to fix the other. -_-

So, that will be something I will have to get a check on. 

I have not lost any weight or do not see any significant changes in the loss of inches on my body, but there has been a decrease of Body Fat by 1% which makes me happy and hopeful.  

My periods have started again; I was told that due to the hormonal issues and the medicines I am taking, this might happen. Today the pain has been crippling. I was bedridden most of the day. 

I did try to walk around for a bit and did some household chores to keep my body moving. 

Well, here is hoping that I better my numbers next week! 



Date: 20/01/2017

Weight: 87 Kgs
Body Fat: 51%
BMI: Obese Class 2
Lean Mass: 42.63 Kgs

Neck: 14.90 Inches
Shoulders: 45 Inches
Chest: 44.10 Inches
Waist: 45.20 Inches
Hips: 46.50 Inches
Bicep L: 13.10 Inches
Forearm L: 10 Inches
Bicep R: 12.50 Inches 
Forearm: 9.50 Inches
Thigh L: 27.50 Inches
Calf L: 15.60 Inches
Thigh R: 27.60 Inches
Calf R: 14.90 Inches


  • Exercise: 4768 Steps
  • Food:
    • Breakfast: None
    • Lunch: Rice, Dal, Squash  and potato curry, Fish
    • Snack: Fruits
    • Dinner: Rice Spaghetti in Alfredo sauce (Homemade)
  • Study: None
  • Read: None
  • Feeling: Pain Saga continues, Stomach aches the most thanks to periods! Aiiyeeee :(

2017 Chapter I Section 19

Pain: A Constant Friend

Today started off in the best way possible. I went for my morning walk, caught two rare Pokemon (Yes, that's important for me, go ahead judge if you wish to!!! :P), finished my French lesson, basically the morning routine was on point. 

Then, suddenly my back started aching a little. I decided to lie down for a bit, and I woke up after 4 hours with pain all over and fever. I could hardly move my right hand. Typing right now is bearable as I am lying down on my stomach on my bed. 

My fibro acts up sometimes, especially in cooler weather. But, today was a dreadful day. I think I was up for an hour or two in the afternoon, after which I passed out again. 

It's 22:26 IST right now and the last hour and half hours have been extremely painful. Every time I am breathing my right shoulder is paining, and there is a sharp pain in my right ear and also the right hand, and arm feels so weird. 

Sadly, this has happened to me more often than you would think. Hopefully, a good night's sleep should fix this. I hate taking painkillers. I have noticed weight training keeps the pain at a minimum, so I forced myself to do my 20-minute routine but no improvement yet. 

I will just call it a day and sleep. I am trying to keep my body warm and hoping the pain goes down. I hate days like these. 

Anyway, on that note, Tata! 


  • Exercise: 6015 Steps.
  • Food:
    • Breakfast: Rice, Veggies, Dal
    • Lunch: Egg Mughlai Paratha 
    • Snack: Fruits
    • Dinner: Couscous Khichuri
  • Study: None
  • Read: None
  • Feeling: Pain, Pain, and more pain

2017 Chapter I Section 18

The Diary

[Story Time! Partly based on a true story.]

It is 10 in the morning. Naaz is frantically searching for something under her bed. Her room looks like it has suffered a storm. 

She struggles as she tries hard to pull something out. It seems stuck, but Naaz is not ready to give up easily. She struggles but keeps up the fight. 

Her phone lays on top of her disheveled bed, constantly illuminating as different numbers keep calling and messaging her. Naaz seems not to notice at all. 

After about 10 or 15 minutes, Naaz finally succeeds in pulling the diary out. She is completely breathless. Her face looks tired. It seems like she is both dreading and excited about what is in that diary. 

The contents of the diary is nothing out of the ordinary. It looks like one of those farewell diaries school children use to write goodbye notes to each other at the end of an academic year. 

It reads; "Will miss you, stay the same." "Stay cool now that school
is over." 

Naaz is frantically turning the pages. She looks like she is on a mission to find a particular message. 

Her hands stop at a particular page. Her eyes seem transfixed. Her face is slowly turning pale. 

Big drops of tears now slowly start rolling down her face. She doesn't even try to wipe them off. She hugs the diary and keeps weeping. 

There is a picture of two young girls. One looks like a much younger Naaz, and the other is her friend. They look like they are half hugging and half laughing. There is a message on the other side, "You are and will be the closest to my heart, for now, and forever - Koni."

Naaz softly touches the picture and buries her head in her bent knees, still tightly clutching the diary. 

It looks like it is the middle of recess. Young girls of 14 years are running around the big play yard. Some are seating enjoying their lunch, some chatting. 

At one end of the ground, we see a younger Naaz lying down on the ground. Her head is on her friend's lap. 

Nazz is looking up at her and smiling as the other girl is animatedly talking about something. Naaz seems mesmerised by her. 

"Are you getting bored?" asked the girl. 

"I can never be bored by you, Koni."

"You are so silly Naaz, of course, I can be boring."

Naaz hurriedly gets up and sits down to face Koni. She holds Koni's hands and looks directly into her eyes, "Koni, you can never be boring to me. You can always tell me anything and everything, okay?"

Koni looks surprised but immediately starts laughing as if Naaz had said something very amusing. She hugs her tightly and then continues her story. 

There is a sudden knock on the door. The 23-year-old, Naaz is rudely awakened from her reverie. Her eyes are bloodshot. 

In a feeble voice she asks, "What do you want?"

"Naaz, beta open the door, your friends are here. They are waiting for you. The funeral is..." the voice stops. 

"Beta, please open the door."

"Naaz, we are here to take you, open the door, man." says another voice. 

"Trust me, I know what you must be feeling, but we have to go. You know you know, that, Koni would have wanted you to be there..." her voice trails off. 

"Koni, why, Koni, why?" Naaz says quietly to herself in a muffled voice. 

"Naaz, beta, please."

"Fine, give me a few minutes, I will just come down."

Naaz slowly starts getting up. Her entire body feels weak and heavy. Her heart feels heavier.

"Koni, why couldn't you just talk to me once? Just once, Koni. Like we used to as kids. Why...?" 

She absent-mindedly picks up her phone. 

'38 missed calls, 47 unread messages.'

Most of them had similar messages, "Where are you? Pick up the call." "This is urgent."

She keeps scrolling through the messages as she walks towards the door. 

She quietly opens the door. 

Her mother and her two friends are standing on the other side. Her mother looks worried, and the friends look like they have also been crying. 

Naaz is still scrolling through her messages when she abruptly stops. 

The phone falls from her hand, and she drops to the floor; this time howling. 

"Koni you promised, 'for now and forever', Koni, you promised."

Everyone runs to grab her. 

There is an opened message on the phone. 

"Pick up the call Naaz. Koni is no more. She killed herself. We do not know why. We need to go to her house. I am coming to pick you up. Piu is also coming with me. Naaz, please pick up the phone."



  • Exercise: 7797 Steps
  • Food:
    • Breakfast: Oats pancake
    • Lunch: Rice, Dal, Veggies, Fish
    • Snack: Batter-fried chicken
    • Dinner: Salas
  • Study: Half a Module (Stanford)
  • Read: Three chapters from Clash of Kings
  • Feeling: All good except my nose has been getting very dry due to the cold weather and it has been bleeding while sneezing sometimes. Nothing serious.




2017 Chapter I Section 17

The Blogger You Seek, Cannot be Found 

Today I woke up with hope and vigour that today I will finish all the pending tasks. But, the minute I stepped off my bed, everything went downhill. 

Oh, my head started spinning, my body felt like it was on fire, nose was blocked, and I couldn't speak. 

I did not know what was happening. I slowly sat down on my bed and decided to lie down for a bit. 

I woke up after I thought was 15 minutes, but in reality was 5 hours. 

I felt incredibly weak, and my brain felt like mush. 

I didn't have a fever as my temperature was only 99. 

After a quick lunch, I decided to take another nap as I felt like the whole world was spinning around me. This nap was truly short, and I woke up sweating; I had a very strange dream. 

I realised there was no way I could finish any of my work as I couldn't think straight without literally hurting my brain!!!

My mother wanted to have some simple pasta. I made some for our evening snack, ate it and went back to bed. 

I again woke up at 18:35 IST. 

It's 20:00 IST now, I just finished my dinner. My nose feels itchy and dry, and I am having trouble breathing. 

I think I will just call it a day and write today off as a bad day. 

Here is hoping, tomorrow is a better one! 



  • Exercise: 1681 Steps
  • Food:
    • Breakfast: None.
    • Lunch: Chicken, Rice
    • Snack: Pasta
    • Dinner: Noodles
  • Study: None
  • Read: None.
  • Feeling: I was not well! :(